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Active - Passive Voice - Exercise 2

Directions: Identify the subject (receiver of the action) and the verb in each passive voice sentence below.
Write your answers in the space provided under each item. When you have completed the exercise, click on "Check My Answers" and check your answers with those on the answer key.

1. Fourteen soldiers were given awards by the commanding officer.

subject =

passive verb =

2. In due time everyone will be told about the program by the director.

subject =

passive verb =

3. The golden slipper was worn by Cinderella.

subject =

passive verb =

4. A note was taped to my door by the management company.

subject =

passive verb =

5. During my vacation, my garden was watered by my neighbor.

subject =

passive verb =

6. This key can be used by anyone.

subject =

passive verb =

7. For her own good, the advice should be heeded by Mary.

subject =

passive verb =

8. This fine Brazilian coffee was handpicked by the owner himself.

subject =

passive verb =

9. Flowers were placed at the memorial by the President.

subject =

passive verb =

10. The speech will be interpreted by a specialist in Urdu.

subject =

passive verb =



For further information on these resources, contact
Margaret L. Benner

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